Meteorite Impact

Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone

Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone

Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone   Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone

Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. This is a one of a kind. Irreplaceable new found impact site. This is not a meteorite! It is formed from a meteorite impact.

This should be in a musium. It is a very strange form of solidification. From a gas to solid. Under extreme pressure, heat, vibration and friction. The rock type it is made of a unknown material.

It forms in the air, so there is no bedrock to account it to. This type of material usually forms in crystal shaped pieces, in the impact zone.

This one Is a anomaly. What a crazy form it ended up in. It has some iron fusion crust on one side of the rock, from friction? You can see it in blown up photo.

All research on this impact has been done by myself over 22 years of mining the crater. I discovered it was all caused by a meteorite impact. Of course a controversial subject. Some of the Ejecta rocks are in perfect crystal shaped and tear drop shapes. I have found so many never seen unusual Impactites but this one is a true prize.

It will stand out in any crowd. Including the highest art collections. It will be a total conversation piece. I went a bit over the top abstract/ futuristic, on the stand.

It is a piece of red cedar, that I painted 7 coats of paint on. I had to add sticks to hold it upright. This piece can be picked up and held. Then inserted right back into the stand. This is why I made it removable.

I found this rock about 6 years ago but only linked it to the impact in 2021. Now it makes sense on how it ended up in such a strange shape and polished at the same time. It is also lucky not to have any chips or breaks. It has a small scratch is all.

Very hard to excavate these rocks. They are bonded in a concrete type impact ash layer.

There will be many naysayers on a new find. I have to deal with it daily. I have thousands of pieces of evidence at this point and will not be denied from some desk or lab. Proof is in the rocks. We also give a 14 day inspection period. This piece came from the Eldorado Bar impact. (New Discovery) On the bank of the Missouri river. Watch for more one of a kind pieces in the future.
Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone   Meteorite impact Ejecta melt rock, Suiseki display rock. Viewing stone