TWO PHOTOS ARE OF THE IMPACT DIAMOND. SPECIFIC GRAVITY on this one is 2.9. All stones show fractional re -melting of sheared surfaces. Every surface face show fracture that have been re-melted while traveling and smashing into each other hundreds if not thousands of miles in the atmosphere of space, then they solidify some in space before landing, some after, some show spinning lines and flow lines.
Carbon percentages very but fall in at 50% carbon and 50% silica, that's what the graph shows. Impactite Hexagonal diamond like carbon silica. Caltech University tested and classified.IMPACTITE CARBON QUARTZ SILICA with diamond like properties, meteorite Allende has the same carbon type as this stone and the Lonsdalite meteorite carbon content is the same. This new find of meteorite impact hexagonal diamond has also been found in relation with the beautiful brown meteorite impact glass strewn field... AWESOME THANK YOU Cal Tech for your help and research. Chalcopyrite and nickel sulfide Pyrrhotite are found in small quantities.
Be one of the first to own this carbon silica meteorite impact diamond stone. They are a very solid positive stone created from an extraterrestrial event. Nano sized impact carbon particles and silica are found along with pre solar grain inclusions.
This impactite carbon silica diamond has been. Studied and verified by the number one scientific institute of America.